13:30 - 14:30: WORKSHOPS In each time slot, we offer 3 workshops, each focused on a different topic. Please select one workshop that best fits your interests. Room G402. Workshop 7Ms. Erin Threlfall: Monitoring Happiness and Well-Being: Tools and Strategies for SchoolsHow can we...
8:30 - 8:40: Opening speech by Mr. Stephen West, Director of IEHD8:40 - 9:10: Keynote adress by Ms. Erin Threlfall Unlocking Happiness: The 9 Domains that Transform School CommunitiesHappiness is more than a feeling—it’s a state of well-being that encompasses various facets of...
1. Presentation by Teacher TomSpeaking With Children So They Can ThinkIn a very real sense, the language we use creates reality. Teacher Tom speaks about how the specific words we use, and how and when we use them, shape reality...
1. Presentation by Mr. Martin SkeltonA reflection of my time with TH School, the vision and mission of the founder and 6 things I have learned about learning.As an educator…I want to be judged on how well my children and students...