Transforming Classrooms Through Creativity: Applied Drama in Education Course

Transforming Classrooms Through Creativity: Applied Drama in Education Course

The "Applied Drama in Education" course was designed by Institute for Education and Human Development (EDI) and Mr. Tony Le Nguyen to empower teachers to utilize drama techniques in their classroom to enhance the learning experience. With a curriculum spanning 14 hours over a three-month period, the course provides teachers from TH School Chua Boc and Hoa Lac campuses with practical tools for applying drama into educational settings. The program was aimed at improving student engagement, creativity, and emotional intelligence through active learning techniques inspired by theatrical practices.

Participants had a chance to learn how to incorporate role-play, improvisation, storytelling, and other drama methodologies to create a dynamic and interactive classroom environment. The course was hands-on, encouraging teachers to practice these methods in their classrooms and experience firsthand how drama can be a powerful educational tool.

This course, under the guidance of Tony Le-Nguyen, a Vietnamese-Australian actor, filmmaker, and educator with extensive experience in the dramatic arts, provided teachers with the techniques and confidence to employ these strategies, transforming their classrooms into spaces of creativity and discovery. By integrating drama into their teaching methods, educators can create a more dynamic and engaging learning environment. This approach also offers new ways to present material, engage students in collaborative learning, and create a classroom culture that promotes active participation and self-expression.

Throughout this course, TH School teachers could gain valuable insights into how drama can revolutionize their classrooms, making learning more engaging and impactful for their students. This course is more than just a professional development opportunity; it’s a journey into the creative power of theater and its potential to transform education.
